Fun MPASI : Bread Roll. These Bread Rolls are were sweet, buttery, Soft, and fluffy. It's not only super easy to make, but it's also super tasty and addictive! My son kept asking for more😋😋…chef Lola kudos to you and thanks for sharing this recipe.
These are usually deep fried but are great even if baked or pan fried.
Bread Roll Recipe with step by step photos.
These are crisp and tasty bread roll with a soft spiced mashed potato filling.
Kamu dapat membuat Fun MPASI : Bread Roll menggunakan 6 bahan dan 7 langkah. Berikut cara memasak nya.
Bahan-bahan Fun MPASI : Bread Roll
- Kamu membutuhkan roti tawar.
- Kamu membutuhkan telur ayam kampung, setengah dikocok, setengah dibikin scramble/orak arik.
- Siapkan Keju cheddar parut.
- Siapkan Tepung roti.
- Siapkan Minyak goreng.
- Siapkan lada dan garam buat yang suka (bisa di skip).
To make the bread roll, I have used brown bread. You can even use whole wheat bread, brown bread or even white bread. Even a bread two to three days old works well. Butter, dry yeast, eggs, flour, milk, salt, sugar.
Fun MPASI : Bread Roll Instruksi
- Roti tawar diratakan dengan rolling pin/ botol kaca asi bersih kalau nggak ada sampai tipis dan rata (hasilnya kayak kulit kebab).
- Potong lembaran roti jadi 2 bagian..
- Isi masing-masing bagian pakai telur orak arik dan keju parut..
- Gulung roti dan olesi telur bagian ujung biar menutup..
- Celupkan di telur yang dikocok.
- Gulingkan di tepung roti.
- Goreng dengan api sedang, hati-hati karena cepat gosong.
Bread Roll Recipe - the bread is stuffed with spiced potato-peas mixture and shaped into roll. These stuffed bread roll are fried till crisp and golden brown. Stuffed bread roll can be served with green chutney, ketchup or your choice of chutney or dipping sauce. A roll is a small, usually round or oblong individual loaf of bread served as a meal accompaniment (eaten plain or with butter). A roll can be served and eaten whole or cut transversely and dressed with. with the help of rolling pin, roll the bread as thin as possible. spread ½ tsp of green chutney. now take a tbsp of prepared paneer stuffing, and roll it into cylindrical shape. place the paneer stuffing over bread and roll tight. further, heat a pan with some butter and roast bread roll.