Cara Mudah Memasak Lezat Burger Buns

Lezat, Bikin Kenyang, Sedap dan Sehat.

Burger Buns. You know those fancy burger buns you get from fancy "burger bars"? The brioche kind of burger bun. This is that bun, but better, and really easy to make.

Burger Buns This recipe can be used to make either hamburger buns or hot dog buns. My husband says they are 'top of the line.' All Reviews for Burger or Hot Dog Buns. With three locations in the Hudson Valley, Buns Burgers is pushing the farm-to-table movement into quick-service dining. Kamu dapat memasak Burger Buns menggunakan 10 bahan dan 7 langkah. Berikut cara memasak nya.

Bahan-bahan Burger Buns

  1. Kamu membutuhkan 250 gram terigu protein tinggi.
  2. Siapkan 125 ml susu tawar hangat (me: pakai dancow bubuk).
  3. Siapkan 50 ml air hangat.
  4. Kamu membutuhkan 20 gram gula kastor.
  5. Siapkan 25 gram butter.
  6. Kamu membutuhkan 1/2 sdt garam.
  7. Siapkan 3.5 gram ragi.
  8. Kamu membutuhkan Olesan Topping.
  9. Siapkan Secukupnya wijen.
  10. Kamu membutuhkan Larutan susu: 1/2 sdt gula+1/4 gelas susu.

Our philosophy is to prove that you can have a burger & fries while still. Homemade hamburger buns can elevate any sandwich when made just right. A great burger requires a great burger bun. The problem is that the store bought ones are usually just a step up from cardboard.

Burger Buns Instruksi

  1. Campur ragi + 1 sdt gula dalam gelas berisi air hangat. Aduk, sisihkan (ini dilakukan untuk cek keaktifan ragi, bila muncul busa naik artinya aktif).
  2. Campur terigu, gula, garam aduk rata. Lalu masukkan butter. Ulen hingga bergerindil.
  3. Masukkan larutan ragi yg sudah aktif, ulen hingga setengah kalis.
  4. Masukkan susu perlahan, ulen hingga kalis elastis. Saya pakai tangan kira2 10 menit.
  5. Taruh dalam wadah yg sudah diolesi minyak sayur, tutup dengan clingwrap dan kain. Biarkan 30 menit hingga mengembang. Sesaat sebelum masuk oven, oles dengan larutan susu dan topping wijen.
  6. Kempiskan adonan, bagi adonan beberapa bagian. Saya bikin versi mini, sekitar 40gram per bagiannya. Bulatkan. Diamkan 30-45 menit sampai agak mengembang.
  7. Oven suhu 180 derajat celciusselama 25 menit api atas bawah, lanjut 5 menit api atas atau sampai coklat matang (sesuaikan oven masing2). Siap diisi. Saya pakai fish crispy, itu hanya gorengan fillet ikan yg dibalur larutan tepung+garam+merica, lalu tepung panir.

Enter this brioche burger buns recipe which solves all of those problems. These homemade burger buns are soft and flavorful, and can be used for hamburgers, sliders, sandwiches, etc. So easy to bake and better than store-bought! Hamburgerbrötchen - für den perfekten Burger braucht man perfekte Burger Buns! Für mich ist das Bun genau so wichtig, wie gutes Rindfleisch auf dem Burger.
