Brokoli Kepiting RiceCooker. Steaming Broccoli is Quick easy with this practical method of cooking it in a Rice Cooker. Rice cookers aren't just for cooking rice, most rice cooker. Mix broth, rice, salt and pepper in insert.
Rice cookers aren't just for cooking rice.
Like microwaves and other appliances, most rice cooker brands include a steam rack with it.
Using a rice cooker as a steamer may take a longer time than the.
Kamu dapat memasak Brokoli Kepiting RiceCooker menggunakan 12 bahan dan 6 langkah. Berikut cara memasak nya.
Bahan-bahan Brokoli Kepiting RiceCooker
- Siapkan 500 gr Kepiting bersihkan & asam garami,,.
- Siapkan 350 gr brokoli.
- Siapkan 5 bh cabe rawit merah iris serong.
- Siapkan Garam.
- Siapkan Gula.
- Siapkan Merica.
- Kamu membutuhkan 1 sdm Saori Saus Tiram.
- Siapkan Daun Bawang.
- Siapkan Bahan Tumis.
- Siapkan 3 Siung bawang putih cincang kasar.
- Kamu membutuhkan 2 Siung bawang merah iris.
- Siapkan 1/2 ruas jari jahe digeprek.
Low Calorie Slow Cooker Chicken Rice & Broccoli Recipe Notes. I'd say cook it on a day when you can watch it. Not only is chicken, rice, and broccoli a staple fitness meal, it's also one of the most beloved food meals. Turn on the saute function on the slow cooker and set to low heat.
Brokoli Kepiting RiceCooker Tata cara
- Panaskan 2sdm minyak makan di RiceCooker yg sudah dinaikan apinya.
- Setelah panas, masukan bahan Tumis, aduk lalu tutup RiceCooker, sambil sesekali dilihat dan diaduk kembali sampai wangi dan kecoklatan lalu tambahkan cabai iris,.
- Kemudian tambahkan Saori Saus Tiram, kepiting & sedikit air, aduk rata, lalu tutup lagi RiceCooker,.
- Setelah 5-10 menit buka RiceCooker, aduk kembali, kemudian tambahkan brokoli, daun bawang, garam, merica, gula secukupnya,, aduk lagi dan tutup,,.
- Tunggu sekitar 5 menit,, jika kepiting terlihat sudah matang dan rasa manis asin sudah pas, matikan RiceCooker,, sajikan,,.
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Add olive oil, garlic and onion. Most rice cooker brands include a steam rack with it, and it's great for steaming vegetables like broccoli. Steaming vegetables in a rice cooker is so quick and easy. Within a few minutes you will have steamed broccoli ready for your favorite dish or just drizzle with. Broccoli is a super food that provides antioxidants and valuable nutrients to our bodies when consumed.