Fudge Brownies. In a large bowl, stir together the cocoa and baking soda. Mix until well blended and thickened. Remove from heat, and stir the sugar into the chocolate.
Chewy and rich, if it's fudgy you know it's fabulous.
Bake up some caramel fudge cheesecake, frosted fudge brownies, butter pecan fudge and more with this decadent collection of our fudgiest recipes ever.
Sprinkle the reserved chips evenly over the top of the brownies and return to the turned off oven for several minutes to melt the chocolate chips.
Kamu dapat membuat Fudge Brownies menggunakan 8 bahan dan 9 langkah. Berikut cara membuat nya.
Bahan-bahan Fudge Brownies
- Kamu membutuhkan 150 gr DCC (sy pake produk dr haan).
- Kamu membutuhkan 50 gr margarin (palmia).
- Siapkan 40 ml minyak goreng (bisa diganti minyak canola).
- Kamu membutuhkan 2 butir telur.
- Kamu membutuhkan 125 gr gula halus (gula pasir diblender).
- Siapkan 105 gr terigu segitiga biru (bisa diganti kunci biru).
- Siapkan 30 gr coklat bubuk (bensdrop).
- Siapkan Kacang almond untuk toping.
Using a knife spread the melted chocolate chips evenly over the top of the brownies. Lightly coat a baking pan with cooking spray. In a small saucepan, combine the butter and chopped chocolate and set. This is one of our long-time favorite fudge brownie recipes.
Fudge Brownies Tata cara
- Tim coklat, margarin, dan minyak hingga coklat leleh. Dinginkan suhu ruang..
- Kocok lepas gula dan telur hingga gula larut. Sy pakai garpu karena tidak punya wisk..
- Tambahkan campuran coklat kedalam mangkok hasil kocokan telur tadi. Aduk sebentar. Adonan mulai kental dan berat..
- Tambahkan terigu dan coklat bubuk yg sudah diayak perlahan. Aduk rata. Adonan semakin berat..
- Tuang ke dalam loyang yg telah disemir margarin dan dialas kertas baking. Beri toping..
- Panggang dg api sedang cenderung kecil kurang lebih 1 jam. Tes tusuk..
- Angkat lalu dinginkan terlebih dahulu sebelum dipotong..
- Note* : menurut yg sy baca, gula harus benar2 larut saat pengocokan agar permukaan brownies mengkilap (shinny)..
- Note** : sy pakai loyang ukuran 20 x 5 cm dan 10 x 10 cm. Jadinya mini-mini 😂 bisa diganti dg loyang 30 x 10 cm ya. Atau 22 x 10 cm. Gimana dirumah buibu aja 😘.
It's an easy one-bowl recipe; no melting chocolate, no combining wet and dry ingredients separately, simply stir everything together. And it makes a reliably delicious, moist, fudgy pan of brownies, perfect for that potluck you forgot about until the last minute. In a medium saucepan, melt butter or margarine on low heat. Remove from heat and in same pan, stir in sugar, eggs and vanilla, stir well. This Super Easy Fudge Brownie Recipe is a family size recipe, full of deep chocolate flavor, fudgy on the inside, with the perfect chocolate crust on the outside.