Puding agar Lychee - agar agar leci. Agar agar is one of my favourite childhood snacks, I always experiment it with different ingredients, I never got tired eating it. The Japanese eat it as a Kanten Diet, the vegan use it to substitute gelatine , I eat it because it´s DAMN SHIOK! If you never tried agar agar, this will be a unique experience for you!
Agar (agar agar) and Kanten are a natural gelatin obtained from algae.
If you are vegetarian or If you are using agar/kanten stick, you will need to rinse it carefully and break it into pieces to soak them in Nami wrote: Hi Sana!
I think you can make with juice, but I have never made with Lychee juice so I'm.
Kamu dapat membuat Puding agar Lychee - agar agar leci menggunakan 7 bahan dan 3 langkah. Berikut cara memasak nya.
Bahan-bahan Puding agar Lychee - agar agar leci
- Siapkan buah Lychee.
- Kamu membutuhkan 100 ml Air matang untuk blender.
- Kamu membutuhkan 1 sachet agar2 bening.
- Siapkan 500 ml Air matang.
- Siapkan 8 sdm gula pasir.
- Kamu membutuhkan Topping:.
- Siapkan Lychee buah dipotong belah 2.
On Agar-Pro.club you can play agario unblocked at school with different hunger game mods such as agar.io pvp, private server and teams. Control your cell and eat other players to grow larger! Play with millions of players around the world and try to become the biggest. agar.live It's very funny agario game. Alternative agar.io unblocked school server game.
Puding agar Lychee - agar agar leci Tata cara
- Kupas lychee lalu belah 2, buang bijinya. Pisahkan setengah untuk diblender dengan air matang. Setengah lagi untuk topping atasnya nanti. Blender lychee dengan air matang, sisihkan..
- Tuang air matang 500ml dan agar2 nya, aduk dulu baru nyalakan kompor (agar tdk menggumpal). Masak sampai mendidih, langsung masukkan hasil blenderan td. Aduk rata, matikan api..
- Diamkan sampai panasny hilang lalu tuang dalam cetakan, masukkan sebagian lychee belahan td ke dalamnya. Untuk taruh topping diatasny haris tunggu lapisan atas membentuk baru diletakkan perlahan agar tdk tenggelam. Masukkan kulkas dulu, dingin lebih enak untuk disajikan..
There is no need to download anything. The purpose of the game is to eat as much as possible and increase in size. With the constant urge to feed the agar will not sit in one place. You have to be directing it to where there is food. However you have to avoid larger objects as that will be the end of.