Cara Membuat Sedap NASI TIM FRIED ONIONs

Lezat, Bikin Kenyang, Sedap dan Sehat.

NASI TIM FRIED ONIONs. Nasi goreng (English pronunciation: /ˌnɑːsi ɡɒˈrɛŋ/), literally meaning "fried rice" in both the Indonesian and Malay languages, is an Indonesian rice dish with pieces of meat and vegetables added. The rice in nasi tim ayam is usually not all brownish in color like the one I have here. Typically, rice is stir-fried with aromatics like garlic and then seasoned lightly with soy sauce and then chicken broth is poured in and stir-fried until the rice absorbs all the liquid.

NASI TIM FRIED ONIONs Nasi Tim Ayam pada umumnya memang manis sih kebanyakan. Suatu saat ada yg berkunjung ke rumah dan tidak suka menu masakan yang manis. Langsung deh saya teringat Nasi Ayam Hainan. Kamu dapat membuat NASI TIM FRIED ONIONs menggunakan 5 bahan dan 3 langkah. Berikut cara membuat nya.


  1. Siapkan 1 cup beras.
  2. Kamu membutuhkan 1 (1/2 cup) santan(gunakan cup takaran beras rice cooker).
  3. Kamu membutuhkan 1/4 sdt garam.
  4. Siapkan 100 gram bawang merah.
  5. Siapkan minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng.

The "nasi tim" and fried dumplings are so delicious. Also suitable for muslim visitors, because the restaurant only sell halal food. MieZhou, Owner at Mie Zhou, responded to this review. Hi Gigy L, We are so happy that you enjoyed our Nasi Tim and our fried prawn dumplings.


  1. Cuci beras masukan ke baskom rice cooker masukan santan+garam aduk masak seperti masak nasi di rice cooker.
  2. Bawang merah kupas dan rendam pakai air garam 5 menit tiriskan dan goreng sampai matang gk usah terlalu kering angkat dan tiriskan.
  3. Siapkan piring bila nasi sudah matang ambil nasi tabur bawang goreng,nikmatnya🥰🥰🥰.

Fry onion and garlic till fragrant. Indonesian Style Steamed Chicken Rice (Nasi Tim Ay. Add the chopped onion and the re-hydrated Nasi Goreng mix. Add the eggs and stir until cooked and broken into small pieces. Add the cut leek and fry the Serving Suggestions: *Add sambal and ketjap to taste *Serve with fried egg and chicken sate.