Tomato tofu soup. I'm also slightly lazy so I substitute an equivalent amount of no-salt-added canned diced tomatoes and use the reserved juice from the cans in place of. In Sichuan Cuisine, people love to make soup with strong flavors for example chicken soup with pickled white radish, hot and sour soup and also healthy and mild soups such as chicken mushroom soups and tomato rib soups. If a little bit sour taste is wanted, tomatoes are commonly used.
All you need is to add only three to four ingredients into a pot of stock (or water), then bring to a boil.
The highlight is the ribbon-like silky smooth eggs.
MamaCheung's "Tomato Tofu Soup", a simple and nutritious soup!
Kamu dapat memasak Tomato tofu soup menggunakan 11 bahan dan 7 langkah. Berikut cara membuat nya.
Bahan-bahan Tomato tofu soup
- Kamu membutuhkan 1 buah tomat.
- Siapkan 1 buah tahu sutera.
- Siapkan 1 butir telur ayam.
- Siapkan jamur shitake kering.
- Siapkan secukupnya jamur shimeji.
- Siapkan 1/2 butir bawang bombay.
- Kamu membutuhkan 1/2 sdm tepung maizena,larutkan.
- Siapkan garam,lada bubuk &kaldu bubuk.
- Siapkan secukupnya margarin.
- Kamu membutuhkan secukupnya air mineral.
- Kamu membutuhkan secukupnya daun bawang.
Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Meanwhile, with a hand blender or food processor, mash up the tofu so that it's texture becomes lumpy/creamy. Reduce the heat of the boiling soup and add the blended tofu to the boiling soup mixture. Heat the oil in a large nonstick saucepan over medium heat.
Tomato tofu soup Instruksi
- Rebus tomat dalam air mendidih sebentar, angkat lalu tiriskan,kupas lalu potong kecil2.
- Rendam jamur shitake kering beberapa saat, kemudian tiriskan lalu potong2,potong2 jamur shimeji dari tangkai nya, potong dadu tahu sutera,cincang kasar bawang bombay, setelah semua di potong2 sisihkan.
- Panaskan mentega tumis bawang bombay&jamur shitake,tumis hingga harum. kemudian panaskan air hingga mendidih, lalu masukan tumisan jamur&bawang bombay tadi.
- Masak hingga mendidih, kecilkan api,masukan tomat &jamur shimeji masak pelan2 dengan api kecil cenderung sedang.
- Masukan garam, lada bubuk &kaldu bubuk, aduk rata, kemudian masukan tahu sutera kecilkan api.
- Kocok lepas telur,lalu masukkan ke dalam sup,tambahkan larutan maizena, aduk sekali saja, agar telur tidak hancur.
- Matikan api, masukan daun bawang, aduk sekali, kemudian angkat lalu hidangkan.
Add the tofu, garlic, basil, and thyme. Fill the empty tomato can with water and pour the water into pot. Find gluten-free, heart-healthy, vegetarian, vegan, Instant Pot, slow cooker, sheet pan, seafood recipes, and more. Or if you're simply looking for a healthy chicken dinner, you'll find that, too. Fortunately, a hearty tomato soup doesn't need butter, cream or chicken stock to be delicious!