Thaitea. This easy thai tea recipe is made with thai tea mix and just like what Thai restaurants Latest note about this Thai tea recipe: we've updated this Thai iced tea recipe with an. Thai tea is a popular beverage in Thailand that is served either hot or cold & is prepared with tea, sugar, & milk. Unlike regular black tea, Thai Tea is infused with star anise and cloves and sweetened How to Make Thai Tea.
Learn to make Thai iced tea from scratch with this authentic recipe.
Franchise King Thaitea menjangkau setiap lapisan masyarakat mulai dari tingkat ekonomi rendah, menengah maupun atas.
Franchise King Thaiteasudah banyak gerai yang tersebar di seluruh.
Kamu dapat membuat Thaitea menggunakan 5 bahan dan 9 langkah. Berikut cara membuat nya.
Bahan-bahan Thaitea
- Siapkan 10 kantong teh celup, saya pakai sariwangi.
- Siapkan Secukupnya gula pasir yang sudah dilarutkan dengan air.
- Siapkan Secukupnya susu full cream.
- Siapkan Secukupnya susu evaporation atau bisa SKM.
- Siapkan Es batu.
Here's a simple recipe for deliciously sweet and refreshing Thai iced tea, that will have you begging for more while keeping your pocketbook happy on this. There are two styles of Thai iced tea: with or without milk. Tea with milk is called cha Tea without milk is called cha dum yen. Thai Tea (also known as Thai Iced Tea) is a popular iced drink hailing from Thailand, commonly found in Thai restaurants across the US.
Thaitea Instruksi
- Keluarkan isi teh celup.
- Rebus dengan 2 gelas air hingga teh agak mengental.
- Jika sudah, angkat dan saring teh.
- Siapkan gelas, masuka es batu, tambahkan susu full cream, dan air gula.
- Masuka larutan air teh yang sudah disaring.
- Tambahkan susu evaporation atau bisa susu SKM.
- 10 kantong teh celup bisa untuk 3 gelas thaitea.
- Koreksi rasa, tambahkan bahan jika ada yang kurang, karena lidah orang seringkali berbeda...
- Selamat mencoba...
Thai tea is almost always served pre-sweetened with sugar. The added cream suggests a snow-covered mountain when served, then the entire beverage takes on an orange or red. While regular iced tea can be somewhat mild, and served with the option of sweetened or unsweetened, Thai iced tea is more concentrated and flavorful. Thai iced tea is a creamy, spicy-sweet and healthy drink that is loved by many around the world. Our Thai tea recipe will come in handy when you need a tasty pick-me-up.